Learn to swim/teach to swim system with patent
Product Detail
The headset places comfortably on the swimmer's head for clear instruction from the coach.amazing product for swimming teaching and learn to swim
The headset places comfortably on the swimmer's head for clear instruction from the coach.
More Information
Train smarter not harder is a common saying amongst swimmers and coaches. The system allows for the coach to communicate to swimmers in real time whilst training with the swimmer's head fully submerged.The system makes use of a bone conduction headset which the swimmers position on their heads and the coach uses a walkie talkie tuned to the correct frequency for clear communication and instruction.
eal Time Feedback
Real time instruction from the coach to the swimmer has always been problematic. Now the coach can talk to the swimmer whilst the coaches spot an error in the swimmers technique or body position. The swimmer can respond immediately to build up muscle memory regarding the right technique and body position for the particular stroke
Multi Channel Function
Both the headset and walkie talkie can be used simultaneously on 3 different frequency channels enabling up to 3 coaches on the same pool deck to communicate to 3 different groups.
Range and Volume
The most effective range for communication purposes is up to 75m line of site and a squad of 20 swimmers.
Bone Conduction Technology
The device makes use of bone conduction technology. Bone conduction hearing is a safe, well-established hearing mechanism and allows for clear instruction.The sound processor transforms sound waves into sound vibrations and sends them, via the device, through the bone directly to your inner ear, bypassing any problems in your outer and/or middle ear even if you ear is full of water.
learn/teach to
swim ,swimming technique training,swimming teaching.water sport aquatic sport communcation,diving,
Application: all water sport , such as
swimming, water ballet, underwater exploration, water-polo, sailing sport, rescue organization, open water.and so on
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